Up and Coming Special Event Opportunities

Thank you for your interest in volunteering thru Salt Lake City Mission to feed the hungry and homeless, and care for the needs of the poor right here in the Salt Lake Region. Please prayerfully consider signing up for one of the opportunities listed below.



Volunteers are the very heart and soul of Salt Lake City Mission. Coming from all sectors of the community; businesses, church groups, colleges, social organizations, and more. Volunteers are the lifeblood of our organization.


Department of Volunteer Efforts

Salt Lake City Mission is privileged to have volunteers that give of their time and talents as a labor of love to help the needy we serve.

There are many opportunities to get involved as a Volunteer.

If you, your group, or business are looking for a way to serve local people in need, we would like to have you Volunteer at Salt Lake City Mission!

For more details, contact our Volunteer Coordinator, at info@saltlakecitymission.org, or call our main office at: 801.355.6310.

Volunteers are some of the warmest, kindest, generous people we know.

Volunteer Opportunities

We need volunteers of all ages. Many of our ongoing opportunities are listed below. We also encourage you to contact the Mission to discuss how any of your talents and skills can be most appropriately used in service through the Mission for the most rewarding experience in serving those in need.


Daily Outreach

Assist or supervise daily activities as we feed the hungry and homeless, and shuttle our homeless guests to the Day Center.

Food Pantry Attendants

Inventory, sort, refill, organize and assist clients with food from our pantry

Clothing Room Attendants

Inventory, sort, fold, hang, and assist clients with clothing and furniture.

Day Center Support

Help supervising the Mission’s Day Center open to the homeless as a place of refuge and assistance in finding solutions to their situation.


Pickup and deliver food, clothing, donations of furniture, to and from our pantry and storage units, etc. Daily shuttle service driver for the homeless.


Golf Tournament Committee

Help Plan, develop, organize, fund raise, and put on our annual “Putting for Pencils Charity Golf Tournament” usually held in June of every year.

Back to School Giveaway

Annual “Back to School Giveaway” outreach Event to supply poor children with school supplies. Usually held in August, it is a day of fun and activities, school supply giveaway, and a meal served to all who are hungry.

Thanksgiving Meal at Vivint Arena

“The Great Thanksgiving Banquet” outreach meal for the hungry and homeless, in partnership with Smart Vivant Arena, the Utah Jazz, and Utah Food Service.

Thanksgiving Dinner

Thanksgiving dinner for the Hungry and Homeless served on Thanksgiving Day.

Christmas Food Box Giveaway

Annual event to provide needy families with holiday food boxes. and basic life essentials.

New Years Day Celebration

New Year’s Day Celebration for the hungry and homeless and families in need. A meal is served and other life essentials are given out.


Independence Day Celebration

Annual event held on July 4th serving the hungry and homeless with a meal, with the opportunity to receive other basic life essentials. 

Homeless Birthday Party / Labor Day Event

Annual event usually held in September, providing the hungry and homeless with a meal in fellowship and fun.

Thanksgiving Drives / Food Box Giveaway

“Share YOUR Thanksgiving Drive!” October 1st to Thanksgiving Day. This is a several week activity, in which we ask the public and Volunteers to join in gathering the much needed food and supplies to host our holiday events that provides thousands of meals to the hungry and homeless. We also host an event to provide needy families with holiday food boxes.

Christmas Dinner

Annual Christmas dinner for the hungry and homeless, families in need.


Secretaries & Receptionist

Office work, filing, typing, clerical, data entry, editing, proofing, etc.


Assist in the field of Information Technology, computer repair, etc

Grant Writers

Develop and write grant proposals for submission to foundations.


Pickup and deliver food, clothing, donations of funitire, to and from our pantry and storage units, etc.

Carpenters & Construction

Assit with building and repair projects.


Work on and repair cars, buses, trucks, ect all vehicles that are in need of repairs.

Community Service:

SCHOOL & COMMUNITY SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES are for those who need to complete service hours for class, scholarships, court-ordered requirements or work-related requirements OR schools or other academic organizations wanting to volunteer!

We do welcome volunteers under the age of 18, but must be accompanied by a parent or adult while volunteering.

Please contact the Salt Lake City Mission for details on how we can help you fulfill your community service hours. 1.801.355.6310